Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Stalking Mig...Again

The Cannon Fodder MeMe

1. Is there someone you'd like to be kissing right now? No, I'm not in the kissing mood today. Thanks.

2. When you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean? It usually means I'm sad. I'm hiding within myself.

3. What are you listening to right now? Some stupid country song that I don't care for at all.

4. Are you a big fan of thunderstorms? Not since I've seen the damage of what a tornado can do. And not since I live in an upstairs apartment!

5. Do you believe in perfect? No way. Thank God, perfect would be boring.

6. Are you a jealous person? I try not to be, but I totally am.

7. What was the first thing you thought this morning? What time is it?

8. What do you think about when you are falling asleep? The things I want/need to change. People in my life. Let's just say I pray a lot.

9. Are you satisfied with what you have in life? No, but I am grateful.

10. Do people ever think that you're either older or younger than you actually are? All I know is they don't card me for beer anymore! I'm not happy about that!

11. Do you think men truly understand women? Nope. Not from what I've seen.

12. How about women understanding men? Repeat answer at #11.

13. Did anybody ever call you handsome or beautiful? Yes, beautiful. It's very flattering.

14. What is one fact about the last person that called you? He's an immature ass.

15. Other than your current one, what’s the longest relationship you have had? 11 years with my ex. Almost a complete waste of 11 years. :/


Mig said...

I think #11 and #12 are so TRUE.

I love Sunday Stealing!

alan said...

Hope I'm not #14!

Because I've called you that more than once...


Sassy said...

Noooo Alan, it was talking about the last person that called me on the phone. hehe