Thursday, January 29, 2009

Got Ice?

Over the past few days, we've had terrible weather. We got several inches of ice and snow. A state of emergency was called, there are thousands of people without power. I lost power Wednesday morning, but the power came back on yesterday. Thank God, I was starting to get cold! None of the office staff made it to work (I couldn't get out of my parking lot) and the ones that made it in, were sent home. However, I am back at work today.

I can't believe all of the trees and power lines that are down. It's amazing what ice can do. I could hear trees breaking and falling. The ice looked beautiful on the trees. It WAS something to see.

Earthquake, tornadoes, hurricane wind storm, ice and snow...

What's next?


Coyote Bebop said...


Mig said...

They call it global warming so who the heck knows.

Glad you are back :-)

Happy Friday (tomorrow)!

beckyboop said...

Did you read Jo's post? We are all fucked. Heehee.

Glad you weathered the storm!

Aunt Becky