Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bye Bye Bush

Drunk Ass: See this is what pisses me off, they are showing nothing, but blacks.

Me: Well, it's a moment in history for black people. They are showing white people too. Look, there is a white woman and she's crying!

Drunk Ass: Yeah, all because a f'n NIGGAR made President.

Me: STFU! Just because your dumbass is racist doesn't mean I am. I'm sick of listening to your shit and I'm sick of you using that word! Go to f'n bed!

He continued to yell niggar through my apartment. I was about to call the police (seriously). Our neighbor is a black man, a very nice black man. I know the guy could hear his dumbass through the wall. If I see my neighbor outside, I feel I should apologize, even though I wasn't the one saying it.

A black man becoming President. It shows just how much the world has changed. I think it's truly amazing.

Maybe Obama is just what this country needs.


Coyote Bebop said...

I think tolerance is what this world needs.

...and I mean tolerance for ALL, not just tolerance for whoever the Libs decide to tolerate.

Jo said...

Though you didn't say it, you completely reject it, and you nearly called the police on the guy, I think it would be a nice gesture to say something supportive to your black neighbour. If he heard this stuff, then he could probably do with someone confirming to him that Obama's election is not to be so easily swept aside in his apartment block as this racist sh*t would have it.

And that actually it was a pretty big day for white people too.

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

I know. The shit I've heard. It's Ridiculous.

It's the best thing I've seen happen to America in quite sometime.

Mig said...

I'd apologize to your neighbor, it goes a long way, even if he didn't hear it.

Then I'd write "I Am Racist" in sharpie on Drunk Ass next time he passes out.


Anonymous said...

I think you need to kick the moochin drunk ass pussy out of your house. Tell him I said it too.
Love you Hooker..Miss you bunches!

Coyote Bebop said...



alan said...

Tell the asshole to shut up and support Obama's white half then, if that's what it takes...

Better yet let him pass out and put him on a bus going anywhere...without a dime...

Maybe after you write Mig's suggestion on his forehead!


Sassy said...

No, Coyote. Obama is actually brown.

pearl said...

wow...i would apologize too...and i woulda kicked his ass out/called the police....but thats just my opinion.....

Teacher Laila Chris said...

I see white people... all the time.

fineartist said...

Alan and Mig crack me up.

I wrote on my ex husband once, with one inch permanent sign marker, it was a Sharpie sign marker, nothing but the best, you know? Anyway, he passed out in his underpants on the bed and I wrote Ass across his forehead, will work for beer on his chest, beer whore on his arms, I wish I had drawn a peepie and testies on his chin...oh those were the days, glad they're over. Whew.

Isn't it bummer when you find yourself embarrassed by someone else's behavior? I always hated that too. It's like loathing boils up in your blood and you just want to stomp the living....out of them. And yeah they have to say something that is so asinine, repeatedly.

I'm sorry honey, I know putting up with that mess is a real drag.
love you,

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Totally sorta related in a two part series...
Is he worse than your ex-husband?

Proud of you for standing up to him.
And I'm with the ones who say he needs to go.

beckyboop said...

Oh Sassy, please get that man out of your life.
