Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy Friday

I should be happy it's Friday. For the most part, I am. It means I don't have to work HERE tomorrow and I get to sleep in. I am working my second job, but I don't have to be there until noon. I'm sure my eyes will pop wide open at 8 am.

Ass was off work today due to rain. He called and LIED to me. I called him on his lie. He lied about who he was with. Where he was and where he was going. Gambling. That is where he was going. He left the money he owed me at the house. I had my sister go get the money for me. Why, you ask? So when he gambles all of his money away, he can't take back the money he gave me, before I get off work to get it. Yeah, I'm smart like that. But not too smart, or I would of dropped his ass off at a shelter a long time ago. Did I mention he was drunk? Yeah, you already knew that.

He promised me. He promised he wouldn't gamble this weekend. He promised he would be sober so we could go out to eat after work. No, I didn't believe him. Sociopaths can't keep promises. I'm serious when I say that. He fits the profile. I did some research! I am not making this up, people!

I'm not going home after work. I'm getting my nails done, going to the tanning bed, and then meeting my coworker for dinner.

I may not go home tonight.


Coyote Bebop said...

Good Plan.

Mig said...

Excellent plan!
I am jealous of the tan.

Perhaps you should reconsider the "shelter" idea?

Happy Friday!

Rain said...

Sounds good to me.