Thursday, April 16, 2009

F'd Up Situation

To make a long story short...

My dad is possibly being charged with downloading child porn from the internet. It's a long story, but he may have been set up. However, he may be guilty. Nobody knows anyone to the fullest extent. There are many skeletons in a person's closet. I really can't say if he's guilty or not.

He's been at my house since this happened (Saturday), until he decided he just wanted to stay away drunk. So, I've been at home, taking care of his dog, and basically waiting for the cops to knock on my door. This whole thing has had me so upset, I haven't been at work all week, until today. And now...I'm starting to get angry.

I want to believe my dad is innocent. If he's not innocent, I don't know how to feel. No matter what, he's still my father, but how do I look at this? What the hell am I supposed to do? If he's charged, how will people look at ME? How am I supposed to look at him?

I'm to the point of taking his dog to him, and saying "you're on your own".

I'm so screwed up right now...

You don't even know.


alan said...

Whether he is charged or not isn't a reflection on you and no one in their right mind is going to look at his daughter and think it is! Get that out of your head right now!

I will hope for your sake he is innocent and that the truth comes out before his life is ruined.

If he's not then you'll have to cross that bridge when you come to it, but you have more than enough going on in your life to keep you busy without worrying about things that may not happen!

Like so much else we face in life, it's one minute and one footstep at a time!

I've been missing our chats...


pearl said...

Im sorry to hear that, and I hope he is innocent...but if he isnt, it wont change how i look at your. your still a wonderful, sweet person no matter who your parents are...

Holly said...

What do you mean, how will people look at you? I'll look at you the same as I always have; a sweet, smart woman (with a little bit of emotional baggage) who makes me want to give her a big bear hug and make all of her problems go away forever.

It's gonna be ok, girlie.

"tater" is the work verification. I swears to gawd.