Wednesday, February 18, 2009

11 Days

He's been sober for 11 days. He's also going back to work. He's trying, I guess. He said he's going to replace my HD tv, first thing. I won't hold my breath, but that is the least he could do. Until then, I bought a 19 inch used televison from someone at work.

Friday the 13th wasn't as good as I thought it would be. What is the deal with all the boobs? I know, typical Friday the 13th movie, but come on...I didn't need all the boob footage. Penis! Where is the penis? Penis isn't all that attractive, but a man should have to show something.

Am I right, or am I right?


alan said...

Sadly, if they show that then they can't collect on the 17 and under crowd that still find the money for the movies...

I agree, though, fair is fair!

Best of luck on all the other things...I'm still worrying...


Mig said...


~more penis~
~more penis~

pearl said...

lol, i agree...i thinks its so sexist that woman have to show their boobs but men never have to show more than their ass....

Coyote Bebop said...

*shows penis*

Happy now?

beckyboop said...

Alright, I'm gonna tell you a good penis movie...

"Getting Over Sarah Marshall"

Great movie; funny as hell. It has two or three attractive penis shots.

Hee hee.

Mig said...

I just rented that, TODAY.
Timing is everything I guess.

beckyboop said...


The penis chant works!

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

In order for change of this nature to work, the actions for it must sincere and drastic.

And only you can detect the sincerity.

With everything I am I wish all the best for you.

alan said...

Hoping all is still going well for you...
