Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'd like to beat someone with a turkey leg...

Let me start out by saying my morning has SUCKED.

I had an appointment this morning to get a flu shot. On my way to work, I pulled my back out AGAIN. This is the second time I've pulled my back out by doing NOTHING. I sat on the bed, felt my back catch. When I stood up, it was over. This is all due to my accidental fall down the steps in July.

They wanted to put me in the hospital for "pain management" today. Riiight. I had to go to work! Instead they injected steroids into my lower back and prescribed me pain medication. Good!

I get to work two hours later (doctors take forever). THEN I get yelled at by the boss for not calling him and letting him know I was going to be late (he's out of town). Ok. I see his point. However, I scheduled my 15 minute flu shot for my would be LUNCH hour today. The whole back thing...WASN'T PLANNED or LIED about. Did he listen to what I had to say? Nope.

Me and the other chick in the office gets docked for EVERYTHING. Half the time we don't take a lunch, we eat and work through lunch. IF we have doctor appointments, we have to request the time off. Even if it's during our so called lunch hour. BUT the MEN who work here, who are employees, can work one day a week on a job and get paid a whole week for it. They can go home because it's raining and GET PAID FOR IT. They can go home when they have nothing to do and GET PAID FOR IT. Granted, they have different positions, they work outside, but if you ask me, I think it's BULL.

Not doing anything Thanksgiving. Going to a restaurant and then going home. Yay me. But I can say, I do have things to be thankful for, even though it doesn't always feel that way.

I'm thankful for all of you!

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


alan said...

I am thankful that you have survived all the bull and it's droppings to bless my life by sharing yours!

May the rest of your day brighten, may your pain subside, and those who would be pains "somewhere much too nice for them" be smited!


Coyote Bebop said...

Happy Turkeys, love.

fineartist said...

I'm thankful for you too! Now if you were here we would be heading for your uncle Tom's house in about two hours and then baby the frappin fun will begin. Tom is a mad man, my favorite mad man in fact and I can't wait to get there, kill a bottle of merlot and watch the fun. Um my mom will be there, fuckitall and I'll have to try and restrain myself from giving her a shit storm, see, she married this convict who tried to KILL aunt Becky when we were kids. She frappin married the piece of shit oxygen thief, and how I'm going to manage to express to her that I think she's a sick son of a...without ruining thanksgiving is beyond me, but you know me, I'll find a way to do it cleverly and she will get my point, and I'll even manage to convey that I still frappin love her even if she is a crazy bitch.

I love you more and I just wish you were here to go with me.

Mig said...

Bosses suck!

I am grateful for you too! Happy Thanksgiving Sassy!

pearl said...

your always welcome at my place sassy...i know its a long drive, but say the word and your more than welcome....

ShannonW said...

Can I borrow that turkey leg to beat a few people with?

Thanks for visiting me :)