Thursday, November 13, 2008

IM from an old friend...

you will never...ever....ever be happy because you dont want to be, for years you've been going on and on about how you hate your life, but you've never done anything to change it, you can blog and have everyone tell you over and over how happy you should be and how you are doing the right thing, but until you actually make some half-hearted attempt to bring happiness into your life, you will continue to be miserable

you are content to let shitty people into yer life and get stupid ass advice from friends who facilitate your monotony, people can tell you you are awesome, but until you do something to make yourself feel awesome, its all pointless

think back to when you first started blogging about three years ago...the posts you made then are the same posts you are still making today, to be honest i dont IM you much because you seem to comfortable with your pity and content not to move foward and it frustrates me, its taken me awhile to think about how to write this, but i dont want you to waste any more of your life than you already have by just treading water




alan said...

Just because you are stuck in a rut doesn't mean you have to stay there...

You tried to do something nice for someone and it didn't work out. That they didn't make the most of it makes it their fault, not yours!

Your friend is trying to give you perspective and motivate you, not hurt your feelings...


Coyote Bebop said...

I agree with him.

I usually do, surprisingly.

Keep going forward, baby.

This is a stumble..maybe even a fall...

Doesn't mean you can't get back up again.


Mig said...

I'm with Coyote,
Learn and move on.
Make the change.
You can do it.

fineartist said...

It's our best friends, the ones who really love us the most who tell us things that we really don't want to hear. Having said that I gotta wonder if it didn't feel like a slap in the face? It would have to me, and Lord knows I've had some friends ruff me up in the name of love and for my best interests too.

The thing is, it's hard to change behavior that is so ground into our very being that it almost seems innate, that's why we need mentors, examples, kind gentle souls to show us the way, and sometimes some not so gentle souls too.

I think you do want to be happy, I just think you're not sure how to go about getting that way.

Love you,

Rain said...

The same could be said about me. Sometimes I write stuff and don't publish it because it's just the same old shit and I am afraid that someone will say the same thing to me. My blog is like the most depressing place on earth. But it's me, and try as I might, I am not getting anywhere.