Friday, March 20, 2009

I started my second job. I enjoyed it. Nothing like working with a bunch of crazies. It's interesting and fun. I will learn a lot about people while working there.

A man came in for alcohol treatment. I could smell the alcohol on him a mile away. He couldn't fill out his paperwork because he couldn't see it very well. I went into the lobby and filled it out for him. When we got to the "your age" question, I looked at him and said "how old are you, 21?" He laughed and said "I wish I was 21 again". I tried to make him feel better about being there. I think it worked, I got a laugh out of him. THAT made me feel good. =)

I talked to my grandmother. She complained about my sister, and her kids. My sister doesn't talk to her, she doesn't call her, my niece doesn't have time for her, blah blah blah. Then she said "maybe I shouldn't have taken M away from your mom, if she would have had to grow up like YOU did, maybe she would know what it's like to have feelings".

I didn't respond. I'm not exactly sure how to take that. How would you take it?


Coyote Bebop said...

Sounds like she admires your heart.

Making somebody smile, is one of the greatest gifts in the world.

Mig said...

Your new job sounds so interesting. I love that you helped that gentleman and made him laugh.

My mom used to tell me that "just when you think you have it bad, someone else comes along and makes you realize that what you have isn't bad at all."

I love grandmothers, they are the top mother hen. There always seems to be someone who isn't doing something they want.

Happy Friday!