Monday, October 6, 2008

It's Over

I'm done with his ass.

Over the past month, I've been giving giving giving. He's been taking taking taking. It's ok, I let him. I'm the idiot.

I paid $300 to get him out of jail (probation violation). He PROMISED to pay me back and I've never seen a penny of it. I've sort of been sticking around to make sure he goes to his court date so I can get my bond money back, but after last night...fuck him. I hope his ass goes to jail.

He got drunk. His friends daughter texted me. He immediately accused me of screwing guys at work. He told me I was a piece of shit, I was a ho, and that he hoped I died on the way home, that it was over (you bet it is). I told him...

"I can't believe you are treating me like this after everything I've done for you".

He said "I've gotten more out of bitches than what little bit I've gotten out of you".

I left in tears.

I paid to get him out of jail, I've given him my last dollar, I've given him rides to see his son, I've bought him things. All because I wanted him to care about me, all because I no longer wanted to be alone. And the whole time...

he was using me.

He's a terrible person. I try to see the good in everyone, but there isn't any good in him. I keep wondering WHY he crossed MY path....

I'm a sucker.


Coyote Bebop said...

Obviously not a sucker anymore.

Be VERY careful now;
He thinks that he can get money out you, and use you.
He will do anything to keep that going.
Use the ancient ideals from Sun Tzu's "the Art of War", to make sure that he gets the point of "NO".
When he calls up with the "I've changed" and the "you are my saving grace" bullshit, don't argue, just hang up. When he calls three times (legally 'harassing' you), just call the cops.
Let him see that you are DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS.

By the way, namecalling (i.e., he calls you up and cusses you out) is called ASSAULT. USE IT!!


Happy for ya babe.

Remember; nice guys don't hang around assholes.


Mig said...

I'm with Coyote, you aren't a sucker anymore.

And actually, I think you knew how it would end right from the beginning.

I know you can't see it, but we can, you've made plenty of progress with yourself and I know you are going to keep going. To stick with it. I have faith in you.

Next time, and there will be a next time (there always is) you won't even entertain the jerk.

You did the right thing. I'm proud.

Repeat after me. You are strong. You are smart. You are sexy. No one can take that from you!

alan said...

The two above who love you are both very right in what they say!

When Mig says "Repeat after me. You are strong. You are smart. You are sexy. No one can take that from you!" she should have added "UNLESS YOU LET THEM"!

Please don't let him, or anyone else...

Block his number from your phone, get a restraining order, do whatever it takes to save yourself from him. He is going to call...just as 'Yote says. He's going to sing and dance and cry, then use you again if you let him.

I know you need love and companionship, but you were born with one asshole and you don't need enough crap for two!
