Monday, October 6, 2008

For Pearl...

Due to my previous post, the fact that Joe (Pearl's ex) is soon to have crotch rot dick (thank you voodoo), and due to the fact that I'm tired of caring about anyone/anything because I'm ALWAYS getting shit on, this is now my theme song...



Sassy said...

I love me some f'n angry music!

alan said...

I'm glad you're angry...I hope it keeps you from being "easy" when the phone rings!


pearl said...

lol...voodoo is great....i hope he does get dick rot the fucker....

i like that song...ive been playing pinks so what for days....i made it my call tone, lol....

im sorry that u got used like are such a beautiful person and you deserve someone that wants to take care of YOU, whether u need to be taken care of or not, you still deserve it...stupid fuckers dont know what they are missing...

fineartist said...

I love me some f'n angry music too.

and you!
