Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm at work tonight. I'm watching everyone come and go with their addiction problems, realizing my own issues.

I miss my dad. Even though he wasn't much of a father, I miss him. It hurts that he's in jail, facing those kind of charges. Deep down, I think I know the truth. I'm just in denial.

I feel so alone these days. I blog to breathe. And sometimes I still can't breathe. There are many times that I write, delete.

Tonight I will go home to a dark, silent house. I will have my crying session. Tomorrow I will be better.

At least I have my Harley. Who I forgot to leave a light on for..



Anonymous said...

I love you Hooker! Soon I will be closer and we can hang out and maybe that will help a bit? You can enter my world of madness and forget your own for Hang tight girl!

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

I too, pray for you and yours, my friend.

beckyboop said...

We have a lot in common. My Molly is the greatest dog in the world!

Mig said...

I wish I was moving closer to you like Jess!! I'm jealous!


fineartist said...

I'm having trouble breathing today too. I'm tired and cranky and I want something but I'm not sure what.

Love, me

Anonymous said...

Harley is evil. Evil don;t need candles.