Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Nobody is perfect.

Perfect isn't who I am. It's not who I want to be. Maybe I just want to be somewhat perfect to someone else.

Not perfect...special.

I don't feel pretty enough. Skinny enough. Smart enough. I point out all of my flaws to myself and I think, how could someone else not notice them? How could someone else love me with them?

I just can't seem to find the answers within myself. I'm always seeking somewhere else.


rivercat said...

I have a pretty bad self image.
I think i look like sea monster sometimes.
I dont think im smart, in fact I know if i drill down into a subject Im lost. Im a surface learner.
Luckily i have art and music and im trying to add writing ( as it helps communication esp.) They comfort me and satisfy a need to be creative that is important to me and kind of keeps me out of trouble too lol.
I notice your about me thing has a much different tone than this post. Is it s story or about you or someone you know? i dont know and it doesnt really matter!
Im not sure Id really want to be close to someone who thought they were even close to perfect or really "smart" as in person who would look down on someone who wasnt as educated. I think a little self doubt and self criticism is a good thing.
About not being skinny enough, that is easy to change with the right information and attitude and realization that this is your only chance so why not do it. Being thin with a nice muscle tone isnt about good looks, its about good health.
Being smart enough is an easy one too, just pick a few subjects you think your weak on and do a little self study,slowly and without pressure..set a goal of a year to read 3 books. Thats not too hard !
Youll be smarter than most people in a year! youll think youre smarter at least lol But in all honesty, emotional intelligence is much more important imho and you have that. (and youre probably a lot better educated than i am too)I try not to get trapped by what the world thinks about anything so even if you are a little overweight or didnt go to grad school, there are people who can be very healthy and never get skinny, but they have some special traits in ther genetic makeup that allow that but it proves that there are no absolutes..and there are people who never went to college and invented things that geniuses of philosophy rely on every day to survive.
Although i often feel like im an ugly dunce, i know deep within myself that I DONT CARE even if i was! Id probably like to hang out more with an ugly dunce than most other people anyhow. In truth though I guess im average in most everything so that is a more realistic analysis sans the self critical magnifying the negatives thing that we surely all tend to do at times. Im lucky i have all my limbs etc fingers and toes, so theres a lot to be grateful for, and a lot to think about as far as trying to once in a while help people who really are in bad shape.

I hope I didnt say anything bad here because i dont know anything about psychology really, and the real purpose of my post is just to attempt to give you my perspective on the subject as it relates to me.
Sometimes I completely misinterpret posts so maybe thats the case here lol

Anon. said...

Nobody is perfect to themselves, imperfections seem so much bigger in the mirror. There is no such thing.


alan said...

We all see our worst whether we are looking in the mirror or into our souls...

Yet while we do that, we ignore the good things...the wonderful things...

The things that make me love you!


Rain said...

Depressed people see themselves in a distorted way. We just feel bad, about ourselves and no one can reason with us and convince us how good we really are. But I think you are beautiful, smart, and entertaining.

zonedin said...

I think it's important to not feel perfect. That's what keeps us striving to do better. Just when you feel you've got it all going on...something in the Universe comes along and knocks you on your ass. There's a purpose in it. Just smile and say. "Here I am again." ;~)

Gazal Bharadwaj said...

Be what You are.
You might not bperfect.
But You're definitely not fake..

Blessed MystiQue (Tanya) said...

I am at work, and randomly googled "Finding myself" and instead I found you. I think you (and me) need to stop defining yourself based on other people's definitions. Come up with your own descriptions for your body, your feelings, your life. Figure out who you are, not who people expect you to be, for how can you love someone you dont really know?