Friday, August 7, 2009

My posts don't have to make any sense...

The most important person turns out to be nothing of the sort.

I put people on pedestals. I go out of my way. When I should be putting myself on a pedestal. I've learned. I know what I want, but I don't go for it. I avoid or pretend it doesn't need to be. I choose not to deal with things these days. Maybe it's because I've had to deal with so much in the past?

Either way, I'm sort of numb. I don't let things bother me like I used to. That is a very good thing.

I seem to fall for men who can't/won't/don't want to love me. And that is okay. Because they don't deserve me. I'm pretty awesome. I owe a lot of my awesomeness to you guys!

Have a fantastic weekend! And if you see a snake...

chop it's freakin head off!


Mig said...


Teacher Laila Chris said...


fineartist said...

YOU are pretty frappin awesome, and I'm glad you realize it, that's the hard part you know? Realizing that you are the bomb dang digity, the shizz, the tower of Pisa, the Mona you're the greatest.

Here's what I want you to do, write this down on a piece of paper and every time your mind takes you in the negative read this paper...It should say something like this, "I am attracting a MUTUAL physical attraction and healthy emotional connection with a slam good looking man who will love me as much as I love him."

"I give love and accept love freely, my life is blessed and I am blessed."

My life is blessed for knowing you and I am so proud of you, girl we've both come a long way and it's only up from here.

love ya, mean it,

Holly said...

You are SUPER AWESOME! I hope you had a good weekend and chopped off lots of snake heads, sweetie! Love you!

beckyboop said...

Hi Sassy! When you have no control over situations, sometimes the best thing to do is nothing.... However, that is not always true.

Hugs to you!

If I see any snakes, I'm calling Holly and Kevin!

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Indeed the awesome shines from you like light from the sun.